Memory and Storage Devices

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Memory and Storage Devices

Memory and Storage Devices are an important part of the functioning of a computer.

Based on the speed, size of the storage, and cost, it’s divided into hierarchies.

Let us see those hierarchies

Primary Memory

  • Primary Memory is the memory which is directly accessible by the Central Processing Unit (C.P.U).
  • Primary memory is commonly referred to as “main memory" or simply “memory".
  • Primary Memory is volatile in nature i.e., they data stored in these are deleted as soon as the computer is turned off.

Secondary Memory

  • Unlike RAM, Secondary Memory is not volatile i.e., the information stored in the secondary memory is stored for a long period of time.
  • The devices that are used as Secondary Memory are called secondary storage devices.
  • Secondary Devices are much slower than the Primary Storage Devices.
  • These are not directly accessible by the C.P.U, to access the secondary memory devices different input/output channels are used.
  • Below is the example of some of the secondary storage devices.

Tertiary Memory 

  • Tertiary memory involves a robotic mechanism which will mount and dismount the removable mass storage media according to the system’s demand.
  • This is slower than both primary memory and secondary memory. This is used to store the least frequently used data.
  • Let us see some examples of tertiary storage devices.

Characteristics of storage 

The storage technologies are differentiated by the following characteristics:


  • Why is RAM called random access?

           Ans: Since, any memory addresses or memory location can be accessed directly. Hence it is                                    called Random Access.

  • Why RAM is called temporary memory?

            Ans: RAM needs electricity to retain the information stored in the memory, once the electric                                  supply is cut off or the computer is switched off the ram loses all the information.

  • How any information is stored in the memory?

            Ans: The information or data is stored in the form of binary numbers i.e. in the form of 0 and 1


Computer memory is categorized into hierarchies as

  1. Primary Memory
  2. Secondary Memory
  3. Tertiary Memory
  • The cost and speed are more in primary memory
  • As we go down the hierarchy the speed and cost decreases but the capacity increases
  • Primary memory is the only memory that can be accessed by the C.P.U.
  • Secondary Storage is used to store information for a long duration of time
  • Tertiary Storage is generally used to a large amount of least frequently used data
  • Tertiary Storage have the slowest speed of accessibility than all other storage devices

Quiz for Memory and Storage Devices

Q.1 In an optical storage device, a _____ reflects the laser light into the sensor and a _______ scatters the light

a) land, pit

b) pit, land

c) land, land

d) pit, pit

Q.2 Which of these is a type of WORM device?

a) CD-R

b) DVD-R


d) CD-R/RW

Q.3 What is the access time for SRAM?

a) 5-20ns

b) 15-20ns

c) 10-15ns

d) 5-15ns

Q.4 What is the capacity of a standard CD?

a) 600MB

b) 700MB

c) 400MB

d) 500MB

Q.5 Identify the image shown below:-

a) Digital Video Disk

b) External Hard Disk

c) Internal Hard Disk

d) Blu-Ray Disk

Q.6 Which of these is an online storage device?

a) Cloud

b) Hollerith Card


d) Flash Card

Q.7 Typically how often is DRAM refreshed?

a) 4-16ms

b) 8-16ms

c) 4-8ms

d) 2-16ms

Q.8 Floppy Disks can have a size of _____ inch and store ______ of data

a) 3.5, 1.44KB

b) 3.5, 1.44MB

c) 5.5, 1.44KB

d) 5.5, 1.44MB

Q.9 Which of these can have a read/write speed of 36MB/s

a) CD

b) DVD

c) Blu-Ray

d) Flash Drive

Q.10 Disk Cartidges have a capacity of

a) 2TB

b) 2GB

c) 2MB

d) 2KB


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